A Deeper Well to Draw From: A Mother and Son Venture to Africa and Mauritius

  Book Cover

A Deeper Well to Draw From:

A Mother and Son Venture to Africa and Mauritius

This is an account of a mother and her teenage son traveling to the heart of Africa embracing the Third World . They stay in a slum along the way as they visit four different countries. Their faith is tested as they see the poverty firsthand and the effect it has on the stricken. They also bask in some of the world's most phenomenal natural wonders.The mother's faith is further tried as she comes to terms with her son's health as he has been diagnosed as being "On the Spectrum". They conclude their journey staying on a sugar plantation on the island of Mauritius. The reader will feel like he is right there with them in this heartfelt rendition of life on the other side of the world.

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