Making Disciples And Leading Others To Make Them:


Making Disciples And Leading Others To Make Them:

A Missionary Family Discovers The Essentials Of How Jesus Made Disciples Who Made Disciples

In the greater church-community the word discipleship is not uncommon by any means. For a new believer it, could be one of the first things they hear. Maybe they hear something like, ‘Well now you need to plug into a church and get discipled.’ What can be uncommon is finding many believers in the global church consistently multiplying disciples. Why isn’t the discipleship process multiplying through-out the greater church the way we see in the gospels and the book of Acts? Jesus was the greatest model in history of true discipleship multiplication. He started the process with himself by answering the Father’s call on his own life. Then he found and invited a few to come with him, built deep relationship and trust with them, began a small movement that rapidly grew into the greatest movement ever recorded, and finally left an incredible map for us to continue the work to the ends of the world!

 Making Disciples and Leading Others To Make Them author Ian Kristofer dives into this on-going global church challenge in a unique and personal way. With eight years of experience living among an unreached oral-only community in South-East Africa Ian shares the essentials he has learned from Jesus on how to continue the discipleship map Jesus started, and how it is creating a small movement through-out the country. What makes this book unique is that since February 2015 Ian and his family are still currently serving in the country full time and daily continuing to apply these strategies. These essentials can be used anywhere, with anybody!

You will experience:
-essential and biblical guides to multiplying disciples
-real-life stories from their groups and process
-practical guides and exercises that lead to results for you to practice

Jesus called every follower of him to go make disciples. He didn’t exclude anyone in his process! After reading this book Ian believes you will find the courage and faith to say, 'if a normal guy like him can do it, so can I." And Christ himself will be with you always, even to the end of the age!


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