

Success Begins With “M”

Like the starter gun for an athlete beginning a race, the first point of your journey to the success and happiness that you desire is your mindset!

It is that fundamental starting point that enables you to launch on your journey, meet your milestones, get up to full speed and ultimately achieve your goals.

The right mindset is the key to success. It is something that will be with you through thick and thin, not just until you achieve your goal.

It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of getting what you want out of life, but it’s more important to remember that your state of mind will dictate how you make it happen.

To have a successful mindset, one must also have an understanding of their own thoughts and feelings.

You must be willing to learn from your failures and mistakes. You need to understand that success does not happen overnight and requires long-term commitment. Crucially, you must believe in yourself!

Finally, you need to know that what you are working towards has value and is worth the effort.

This book will help you to understand these key principles and enable you to develop the mindset to achieve and maintain the success and happiness you strive for.

The Child In The Entrepreneur

Robert is a successful entrepreneur, with a thriving business portfolio and a lifestyle that enables him and his family to live the life of freedom that he had always desired.

While hosting a party for his daughter’s 8th birthday, he begins to reminisce on the stages of her life so far, and realises the enlightening similarities and synergies with his entrepreneurial journey.

This book documents an entrepreneur’s route to success, by showing the parallels between the phases of a child’s development and the qualities and mind-sets required for any existing or aspiring entrepreneur.

Inspired by the author’s own entrepreneurial journey and experience as a parent, “The Child In The Entrepreneur” tells a story that will resonate with every current or potential entrepreneur, while providing an emotive, entertaining, thought-provoking parallel with an entrepreneur’s life, topped with tips to success and achievement for any forward-thinking reader.

7 Torches of Success

There are 7 simple principles that successful people throughout history have adopted through to the present day, in order to achieve their dreams, often against the most overwhelming of odds and circumstances.

Yet these individuals are no different to you. All they have done is simply demonstrate certain traits in their lives and reaped the rewards and results that they deliver.

This book highlights the very simple things that people who you know of have done to become the successes that we admire, with each one shining a torch on how you can achieve your own successes.

These ‘7 Torches of Success’ will provide you with the basic principles required on your journey to achieve your own dreams, and ultimately enable you to shine your own torch of success!

50 Inspirational Quotes for Women

A collection of inspirational and motivational quotes of positive empowerment.

This PDF eBook features words of wisdom from some of the most inspiring women of present and history, every page providing a supportive anecdote for success and happiness.

This is perfect for any women to feel inspired, motivated and reminded of the fact that anything is possible in life, through the words of some of the world’s most iconic women.

Also perfect as a gift for anyone who could benefit from some positive motivation.

How To Build A Mindset For Success

It doesn’t matter how hard we work or smart we are, we all need to have a healthy and positive mindset.

Believing that we will succeed and that the process is worth it is crucial to success. It’s not solely about thinking positively – it’s also about acknowledging the negative thoughts as they arise and replacing them with positives.

The right mindset is the key to success. It is something that will be with you through thick and thin, not just until you achieve your goal.

It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of getting what you want out of life, but it’s more important to remember that your state of mind will dictate how you make it happen. If you don’t like where you are at now, then change your mindset!

To have a successful mindset, one must have an understanding of their own thoughts and feelings.

To have the right mindset for success, you must be willing to learn from your failures and mistakes. You need to understand that success does not happen overnight and requires a long-term commitment. In addition, you must believe in yourself.

Finally, you need to know that what you are working towards has value and is worth the effort.

Even though most people love to have a shortcut in life, the harsh truth is that there is no shortcut to success, at least if you want to be successful in an honest way!

Keeping that in mind, this book has been designed and prepared from the ground up to help you to understand the importance of having and developing the right mindset for success.

Happiness Mantra

Everyone wants to learn the secrets of how to be truly happy in life. For sure, right now, most people in this world are still in pursuit of happiness, a journey that many probably started from the very moment they learned about the concept of “happiness.”

Have you ever wondered what it really takes to be truly happy? Many people pursue relationships, money, and success, and many of them, having reached that position have realized that happiness does not really come from the outside, or from the world where you live in.

In all essence, happiness is something that comes from deep within you, lying in that secret place within yourself, waiting for you to finally tap it and release it from its prison.

Happiness is something that has long been present inside you. Finding happiness inside yourself is like peeling off the layers of onion, with each layer representing your thoughts, fears, and negative beliefs. As you slowly peel away each layer (who you are not), you will gradually reach its very core (who you are).

And right there and then, you will find your purpose and meaning in life. You will finally discover yourself and learn the real meaning of happiness.

For you to be truly happy, you need not lock yourself up inside a closet and meditate for the rest of your life.

To be truly happy, there are some things that you must learn first and in this book you will unravel what it takes to finally know the meaning of HAPPINESS.

Short Stories of Inspiration & Motivation

In today’s world, we all need the occasional motivational boost and positive reminders of what we can achieve.

‘Short Stories of Inspiration & Motivation’ includes collections of worldwide anecdotes across topics such as Positivity, Kindness, Success, Love, Attitude and more…

With an ultimate goal of happiness to the reader, this PDF eBook includes the addition of humorous entries enables us all to ‘smile while we grow’.

    Click here to check out the Motiv8 Site to get these books 


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