Confessions From A Prophet's Past


My childhood saw its share of ups but also several unbearable downs, all brought on by alcoholic parents who chose to place the bottle in front of their child’s well-being. The rotten parenting behaviors I suffered through were: physical and emotional abuse, domestic violence, and neglect. This style of parenting caused me to have depression, anxiety, and a low self-esteem. I felt worthless, stupid; nobody could ever love me. [This is an aftereffect regarding children who endured abuse and neglect.] I strolled through my early high school years hoping that the horrors wrapped inside my head would forever vanish. My brain desperately needed to break free from the dreadful inner thoughts. I needed an escape from reality.

One day, during my early teens, I consumed alcohol. At once, my negative mind-thoughts were eclipsed with positivity. Suddenly, I had confidence and inner peace. After a time, alcohol turned into a weekly occurrence. Friends arrived in abundance and my popularity rose as if I were a rock star who just topped the charts for the first time.

However, during the years to come, [my adult life], that freedom I felt from drinking alcohol ventured in the wrong direction, sending me on a crash course to Loser-Ville. My grown-up life was littered with depression, alcoholism, addictions, jail, and umpteen suicide attempts. Chaos and near-death experiences were rampant, all on account of drugs and alcohol.

My chaotic life path would eventually come to a sudden halt because of one conversation with the Creator.


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