Perfect Penny



In Case I Forget to Tell You

Our children have seen our best and have experienced some of our worse emotions.

We tried to hold it together, but sometime life is too much for us.

Out of habit we pour from an empty cup but here recently, our cup has been too dry to create a single drip of anything.

“Oh my, did I remember to compliment my child today?”

“Did I remember to smile and tell my kiddo how amazing they are before I hurried them off to school?”

In Case I Forget to Tell You is the love letter your child can read daily to affirm their strength, value, and worth. 

Nothing replaces our love, words of affirmation, and voice of confidence,

But in case you’ve lost your footing in affirming the young people in our lives, In Case I Forget to Tell You is a gift reminding your children just how special they are to you.

In Case I Forget to Tell You can be found on Amazon and Kindle stores.


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