For You, From Me

For You, From Me

If you’re reading this then pause for a moment.This is about you.Take a deep breath and make this moment yours.You deserve it.This book was designed and written with you in mind. It’s a series of one hundred and four moments for you.For you to read.For you to think about.For you to journal on.This is a book of moments – For You, From Me. Also, if you're looking for a different kind of book club book then this is it.This book is a series of short posts that serve as a small reminder about what’s important in life or a quick dose of motivation to start your day.Each entry in this book is unique which allows your book club group to a engage in a variety of conversations. This is helpful for those of you that want to participate in book club meetings but don' always have the time to commit to reading long single themed books. There's a place to journal on every page which allows you to easily capture your thoughts and then share them with you book club. Give it a try and let me know what you think.



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