Motherhood is F*cking Scary
Motherhood Is F*cking Scary:
Quotes and Banter That Will Have You Scream-Laughing Through the Horrors of Motherhood
For fans of My Little Occult Book Club and Sh*tty Mom, Motherhood Is F*cking Scary is a deliciously dark humor book that combines two unlikely genres that have a lot of similarities: Parenting and Horror. This novelty parenting book includes sweary quotes, fun quizzes, reads that will have you shaking the bed trying to stifle laughter, and references that will scratch your nostalgic horror/pop-culture itch.
A hug of solidarity to spooky moms who feel underrepresented in the realm of motherhood, and who don’t have time to read a book from cover to cover in one sitting (because you’re a mom, you don’t sit!).
-A GIFT MOM THAT’S SO GOOD IT’S SCARY: Motherhood Is F*cking Scary is the perfect gift for moms just trying to survive the hell circus that is motherhood. Open it up to any page for a quick, hilarious getaway.
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